Monday, 11 November 2013

Raspberry and Almond biscuits

Another take on the basic cookie recipe. these are yummy scrummy delicious raspberry and almond biscuits. This recipe should make around 25 biscuits. 

Preheat your oven to 190ºC/gas 5.
Raspberry and Almond biscuits 

225g/8oz softened butter
140g/5oz caster sugar
1 egg yolk lightly beaten
2tsp almond essence
280g/10oz plain flour
55g/2oz almonds toasted and chopped
55g/2oz chopped mixed peel 
4tsp raspberry jam
Icing sugar to dust

Mix your butter and sugar in a bowl with a wooden spoon.
Beat in your egg yolk and almond essence.
Sift in your flour along with the pinch of salt
Add in the chopped toasted almonds and your mixed peel.
Roll the dough into a round ball, then wrap in cling film.
Chill in the fridge for about 30-60 minutes.

When you remove the dough from your fridge, scoop out tablespoons of the mix and shape into balls with your hand and put in a prepared tray.
Use a dampened handle of a wooden spoon to make a hollow in the centre of each cookie. Alternatively you can press lightly using your finger to make a hollow. 
Fill your hollows with raspberry jam then bake for 12-15 mins until golden brown

Leave to cool on baking sheet for 5-10 mins then dust with a little icing sugar. 

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